InHouse Test Prep
Expert, effective test prep - without the stress
Hello! I’m Dr. Kelly Frindell and welcome to InHouse Test Prep.
After working with some of the top test prep companies in the United States, I started InHouse Test Prep in 2007. My aim is to help students study for some of the most important tests of their young lives and ultimately provide them with much more than simply studying skills.
One of the most rewarding parts about my job is helping students to attend the school of their dreams. Additionally, I facilitate the learning of life skills students can use to achieve success in the long term, and I love knowing I can make a positive difference in my students’ future.

We make a schedule that works best for you and your child — online, anytime.
My programs are flexible - I meet your child where they currently are and tailor our work together for best success.
With over 20 years of test prep experience, I have helped thousands of students perform to the best of their abilities, mentally and academically.
Test Prep Packages:
All packages include:
Private Tutoring Lessons
Supplemental Materials
Practice Tests
All sessions are on conducted on Zoom, allowing students to complete their lessons and supplemental work from anywhere in the world.
My Methods:
I work well with students, and I get to know their testing style and their optimal studying process after a short time. Once I understand their strengths and motivations, I customize a tailored program so we can work together to achieve maximum results with the least amount of stress.
Test Prep Is More Than Equations and Formulas
While studying the academics of reading, numbers, and equations is a significant part of test prep, it is not the only one. Taking a test that will help decide your child's academic path can be stressful — for parents and children alike. Dealing with the pressure can feel overwhelming for any student, regardless of ability.
It's common for students to put undue pressure on themselves when it comes to standardized exams. It's easy to fall into a comparison trap and wonder why a friend or a sibling might finding the testing process to be more intuitive or accessible. This needless comparison can lead to a spiral of discouragement, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Students aren’t the only ones who feel pressure and doubt. Parents often share their fears about their children — wondering if they are doing well enough or if they will get into their dream school.
These are some intangibles that I work on with students and parents. Anxiety, fear and doubt impede testing performance and are genuine issues that need to be addressed.
While there will always be some stress, pressure and fear, all my packages are designed to teach students how to deal with these issues. We will set realistic expectations for your child, and I will develop their program to give them the best mix of preparing academically and mentally for their test.
If you are ready to get child started on the path to test prep success, please click the link below to schedule a call.